To request a quote for St John Ambulance SA to provide Health and Medical Services at your next event, simply fill out the enquiry form below. Within 5 minutes of submitting the form, please check that you have received a confirmation email advising that the request has been successfully submitted.  If you do not receive this email, please try again or contact us on (08) 8306 6941.

For patient transport bookings, please click here.

Booking Process

We know that no two events are the same! We offer bespoke and tailored Health and Medical Service to meet the specific requirements of your event, ensuring a seamless experience for all. We tailor our service provision based on risk factors unique to each event and can provide scalable solutions to meet the medical demands at your event. 

Step 1: Understanding your event and your unique needs 

Once you submit your online booking request, we gain a greater understanding of your event and requirements. By submitting this booking, we capture all relevant information including your dates, times, expected attendance and any supporting documentation. This allows us to understand your event and how we can best support you. 


Step 2: Our robust risk assessment process 

Our registered paramedics review your event requirements and governing regulations (if applicable) to review the associated risks for your event. They may ask for more supporting documentation or to provide further information to aid the assessment process. This allows for us to provide a proposal/quote that will ensure that your event is safely managed 


Step 3: Pre-Event Planning and Management 

Once we receive acceptance of the proposal/quote, we then commence our operational planning for the event. We adapt our service delivery to meet the needs of our customers, and fine tune our operational deployments in the lead up to the event.  

Our friendly Operations Coordinators and Event Coordinators will work closely with you to gather the necessary changes to your event and finalise our operational planning. They will maintain contact with you from your proposal/quote acceptance, right through to your post-event review. 

When we've finalised the operational planning for your event, we ensure that the attending staff receive a pre-event brief encompassing event maps, event details and any last minute changes. We provide them with your details ready for them to work with you on the event day. 

We know that things can change at the last minute! Our friendly team is there for you - reach out to our Operations Coordinator or Event Coordinators and they can adapt our service provision for you with ease.  


Step 4: Event Day  

Our friendly and experienced Operational Team Members will support your event in line with your event requirements as per our quote.  Over the past 140 years, we have worked just about every event, so we're accustomed to working in any form of environment.  

We'll work with you on the event day to ensure that we're best set-up in a good location and will maintain good communication during the event. You'll be sure to have a fantastic experience with our friendly staff. 


Step 5: Post-Event Review 

Once your event is over, we actively encourage a Post-Event Review. Our Operations Coordinators are happy to be part of this process. We offer a Post-Event Survey which asks for your feedback on our experience. We always pass this feedback along to our attending Operational Team Members!